
Tell me about your school.
Таткитпи улгучэкэл.

Tatkitpi ulguchekel.

Our school has a new building with light rooms. There are an assembly hall, a sport hall.
Бу школавун омакта, ӈэрин, актовай, физкультурнай заличи.

Bu shkolawun omakta, ŋerin, aktowai, phizkulturnai zalichi.

It is a high school, isn't it?
Дян клахичи-гу?

Dian klahichi-gu?

Yes, high.
Э, дян клахичи.

E, dian klahichi.

Is your school Evenki?
Эвэды-гу школахун?

Ewedi-gu shkolahun?

Yes, Evenki. But there are Russian teachers and students too.
Э, эвэды, тар-да бичэлин луча куӈакар, таткамнил нян бихи.

E, ewedi, tar-da bichelin lucha kuŋakar, tatkamnil nian bihi.

What language do you use in classrooms?
Экуды турэнди татыӈнарас?

Ekudi turendi tatiŋnaras?

Through third grade Evenk, then Russian.
Илан классмакту эвэдыт, тадук лучадыт.

Ilan klassmaktu ewedit, taduk luchadit.

What language do you speak at home?
Дюдуви эма турэнди турэтчэӈнэнни?

Diuduwi ema turendi turetcheŋnenni?

I speak Evenk with my parents and Russian with others.
Дюдуви амтылнюнми эвэдыт, хуӈтулнюн лучадыт.

Diuduwi amtilniunmi ewedit, huŋtulniun luchadit.

What language do you speak at boarding school?
Интернатту он улгучэмэчэӈнэрэс

Internattu on ulguchemecheŋneres?

At boarding school we usually speak Russian.
Интернатту лучадыт турэтчэӈнэрэв.

Internattu luchadit turetcheŋnerew.


Anna Myreeva

Galina Varlamova

Alexander Varlamov

Voiced by Galina Varlamova


Translated from Russian by Rustam Yusupov. Revised by Dr. Bernard Leeman.



The authors have made this phrasebook close to real language spoken by Evenks living in Yakutia (in the North-East of Russia). Some words can be written not as prescribed by the rules of literary Evenk language. Some words can be written different in different cases. However all phrases of the phrasebook are well-understood by all Evenks living in Russia.