
Do you have reindeer?
Орочи-гу бихинни?

Orochi-gu bihinni?

I have some.
Бихин муннэкэн.

Bihin munneken.

Do you have saddle reindeer?
Угучакис бихин? Учакис бихин?

Uguchakis bihin? Uchakis bihin?

Yes, this one — without antlers.
Бихин, иее ачин. Бихин, эр — иее ачин.

Bihin, iyeye achin. Bihin, er — iyeye achin.

Do you have does?
Нямил бихи?

Niamil bihi?

Of course, I have.
Тэдегдэ бихин.

Tediegde bihin.

Is your saddle deer in front?
Угучакис нёгут?

Uguchakis niogut?

No, the one in front is my stag.
Эчэ, сирув нёгугит. Сирув нёгут.

Eche, siruw niogugit. Siruw niogut.

Are you going to take part in the reindeer racing?
Си хуктывунду гукчандиӈас?

Si huktiwundu gukchandiŋas?

Yes, I'm going.
Э, гукчандиӈав. Э, хукдывунду гукчандиӈав.

E, gukchandiŋaw. E, Huktiwundu gukchandingaw.

Where are you going to graze your herd in summer?
Иду дюгадиӈас?

Idu diugadiŋas?

My letnik (summer nomad camp) is on the Gonam river.
Гонамду дюгадякив.

Gonamdu diugadiakiw.

Is there reindeer moss around this river?
Эр бира дуннэлин лавуктачи?

Er bira dunnelin lawuktachi?

No, there isn't. [Because] they dig for gold there.
Эчэ, алтанма силкивкил эду.

Eche, altanma silkiwkil edu.


Anna Myreeva

Galina Varlamova

Alexander Varlamov

Voiced by Galina Varlamova


Translated from Russian by Rustam Yusupov. Revised by Dr. Bernard Leeman.



The authors have made this phrasebook close to real language spoken by Evenks living in Yakutia (in the North-East of Russia). Some words can be written not as prescribed by the rules of literary Evenk language. Some words can be written different in different cases. However all phrases of the phrasebook are well-understood by all Evenks living in Russia.